Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy May!

WOW . . . the year of 2009 is flying by! I'm not sure I like it too much! The school year is winding down, field trips are being taken and the spring sports are wrapping up. Eighteen students competed for MHS Forensics at State yesterday with a couple of kids bringing home State Championships! Great Job! Graduation is drawing near and I have to admit . .. I'm just not ready . . . but I know it has to happen and it will happen!

I've kind of neglected my blog lately . . . and I apologize. .. things have been really crazy with tennis schedules and trying to get new things done at the studio! I'm excited though and can't wait to use the new setups. The hectic schedule will continue until June so if you don't hear from me here that is why ... feel free to drop by the studio any time you see me there and see the new things! The cool and damp weather has kind of hindered me so I hope I can get it all done!

Class of 2010 Seniors. . . appointments are being booked for your Senior Portrait sessions. Can you believe it . are THERE . . . and Prairie Images wants to be there with you for your Senior Portraits. The Focus is on YOU so schedule your session today. Summer sessions are filling quickly as well as weekends. . . so don't delay and call today! 873-5258 Early Bird Specials end May 15th.

Thanks for reading . .. Have a Happy Sunday!