Thursday, February 11, 2010

Don't Miss Out . . .

Don't let the winter blues get you down. . . if you are like me though you need SUNSHINE!!  Doesn't seem like there's an abundance of that these days.  But no matter the weather Prairie Images is still here. . .

Several things have been happening at Prairie Images since Twenty Ten rolled in so just taking some time to recap some of these things. . .

Party Sessions!  What is a party session you ask?  Party Sessions are great fun for those special times and important milestones. . . perhaps you have someone becoming a teenager, or hitting that Sweet 16, or just a bunch of friends or who like to hang out and have fun!  Party Sessions document these moments in a photo session that allows your special someone's the opportunity to just have fun and express themselves in front of the camera.  Group photos are also available so they can cherish the mom together!  If you would like more information on Party Sessions, just drop me a note at or call 620-873-5258.

Blog Trivia!   Blog Trivia started back up in January and several have had the opportunity to win valuable gift certificates towards future sessions at Prairie Images Photography.

Couples Month!  Couples month is being honored all month.  A special offer is available just in time for Valentine's Day or perhaps that milestone anniversary! 

Easter Portraits!   Children's Easter portraits will soon be happening and just in time for the Easter Bunny!  A live bunny will be available on one day of the special. For complete details see the blog post from February 10th.

I hope everyone is having a great 2010.  It's hard to believe February is already here and almost half over!

If I can help you with your portrait needs, please give me a call!  620-873-5258 or 620-629-5677.