To have trust in someone is a very powerful feeling. I often find myself being very untrusting . . . I'm not really sure why ... over the years things have happened I suppose to give me this feeling. . . but on the other hand I have come to realize that I am too trusting. . . One of the worst feelings in the world is to think you have earned someone's trust only to find out that you have been betrayed. . . sometimes this may be a good friend, sometimes this may be a co-worker, and sometimes it may be your own family. . .
So how do you deal with the betrayal? Do you confront the person about it? Do you just try to pretend like nothing is wrong? Facing situations like this are not pleasant no matter how you choose to deal with it. Bad feelings tend to always surface as a result that can sometimes scar a life or relationship forever. So when I find myself being too trusting . . . maybe that is what brings out the continous mistrust. It is just one big vicious cycle!