Thursday, September 23, 2010

Class of 2011 {Kansas Senior Portrait Photographer}

My blog is behind . . . I have no excuses . . . so this will be a catchup post for everyone.  It's hard to believe we are a month into the 2010-2011 school year.  Fall arrived yesterday, however, the temperatures have been telling us a completely different story! Fall athletics are in full swing and all of the sports are competing well.  If you haven't watched an activity yet, come on out and support our student athletes.  Activities range from 3rd grade up to the High School level and between all of these groups there's usually at least ONE activity at home each week!

The arrival of fall weather also gets everyone in the Holiday Mood. . . Halloween, Thanksgiving, and yes even that "C" word--Christmas.  Each year I think we can all agree they all come way too soon!

I have had a great bunch of Seniors this year and I want to take this time to thank everyone for their support this year and in the past!  Without all of you, I would not be able to do what I do~~and that is capture moments.  Whether it is that senior leaving the nest, a child hitting a new milestone, or that new family portrait that needs to be updated~~You all give me the opportunity to do all of that!

Happy Fall everyone . . . Make every moment matter!  Now you can enjoy a few of my most recent shoots and activities.