Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Did the Easter Bunny hide all of your eggs? I have to say that is one thing I am grateful that my kids have outgrown LOL . . . Not sure why I never really enjoyed the whole Easter Egg hunting thing . . . but I just didn't!

I think we are going to miss the snow that they were forecasting . . isn't that crazy . . . of course it wouldn't be the first time we had snow on Easter. . . it is certainly cold out today though! Maybe this is our last cold blast for Winter. . . hmmmm . . . I don't think I'll hold my breath!

I've been counting down the days and I now have two left until Kyle returns from Ecuador. . . we were fortunate that they were able to have contact with someone in Quito who inturn would contact someone here for a daily report. However. .. we haven't heard anything from them since they left the jungle yesterday so that makes me a bit nervous! Nonetheless. . . I'm ready for tomorrow night to get here so we can see them off of the airplane. . . please pray for good weather, good flights and no delays.

I've said this before but I have to mention it again . . . this whole trip would not have been possible without the generosity of many of you! Kyle will have alot of stories to tell when he returns home, so please be sure to ask him to share his experience with you!

In the meantime . . . it's back to waiting!

Happy Easter!

UPDATE: They made it out of the jungle around 1:30 A.M. this morning . .. they left at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning!