Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2008 TLC Trip to Ecuador--Part 3

The first day there they had to go into the jungle to carry out the lumber to begin their construction! The boards were being cut by someone they had hired. The wood cutting process had been going on for approximately a month before they arrived. The wood was cut with a chainsaw. The man cutting the wood had been given a list of what was needed and he cut them the those sizes. The primary language in Ecuador is Spanish! This created some frustrations as they tried to work together to communicate! The groups learned ways to communicate so they could somewhat understand each other!

They had to walk through THIS to get the lumber out of the jungle!

Once all of the lumber has been retrieved then they could start the construction process!

The group used all of the supplies that had been cut for them! Someone else will come in and finish the walls. Getting the roof on was a big accomplishment.

The group also worked on the soccer field to improved it! They wheelbarrowed dirt to the field to fill in holes to smooth it out!

Vacation Bible School was on the agenda as well! It appears they were teaching them a game of Duck Duck Goose!

During some of the break times, inflatable Kayaks had been brought in for some fun!

In the evenings songs of Praise were shared! The group learned a few songs in Spanish so the Waodani could understand better! Time was also spent just getting to know the people from the village!

The Ecuador group had 3 cooks that prepared their meals for them. It consisted of ALOT of rice. The Waodani would hunt for their meat! Here is an Ocelot that was killed during the trip!

The final night in the jungle they were able to use their newly constructed church. The Waodani provided their own show for the Ecuador Group!

They also posed for a few pictures!

The group left the jungle on Saturday, March 22. The took canoes back to the point where the bus was waiting. They left the jungle at 7:00 a.m. and arrived in Quito at 1:30 A.M. Early Easter Sundya morning!