Sunday, April 6, 2008

Seniors . . . It's Your Style

Senior 2009 . . . Just an update to present a short video of some of the 2008 Seniors . . . The time is getting closer. . . my schedule is seeing appointments . . . and June will be full VERY soon . . . only a few appointments remain for June! Senior sessions are usually booked a couple months in advance so if you are wanting to schedule before school starts in August. . . dont' wait too long! Once school starts and all the whirl of activities it makes it really crazy trying to get them all done before the yearbook deadline in November. . . So don't delay . .. call today . . . and don't forget that the first 30 who book and pay their deposit will get a cool t-shirt featured on the blog a couple of weeks ago! It's almost time Class of 2009 . . . Your Senior Year is almost here!