Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If it ain't broke . .. Don't FIX it!

Okay . .. you just don't realize how much you use something until you don't have it . . . Today is going on 4 days that my interent provider has decided that I do not need email! My provider is Hughesnet by the way . . . anyone in the rural area like I am . . . if you are considering it . . . I do not recommend it . . . but I have no choice at this point so I am stuck!

It's really amazing though just how much business I conduct through email alone . . . I don't know how many times over the past 3 days that I have started to email someone and then realized it would do no good . . . and then I have the people asking me if I got their email . . . and of course I haven't . . . GRRRR

The biggest problem with this whole UPGRADE that has caused this problem is that they did it to add more enhancements and features to our email system . . . features I simply do not need or care to even have. . . So. . . I stick to my analogy . . . "If it ain't broke, Don't FIX it!"

The last "note" posted on their customer care page was that by today at 6:00 a.m. EDT it would be fully functionable . . . well since I am typing this at 8:36 EDT . . . you can see that once again that has not happened!

So if you have tried to email me since late Friday night . . . I have not received it . . . it's funny the few emails that have perservered through the system and have reached me are all the JUNK ones . .. They have assured us that our email has been "saved" and not lost . . . I won't hold my breath on that one either!

Have a great day!