Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Happenings. . .

What a beautiful October we have had!  I can't remember the last time that we had such gorgeous weather!  It has been a tad warm for fall, but I'll take that any day over the freezing cold!  The trees are really turning into their beautiful fall glory as well!

Just wanted to give an update on a few things that will be happening soon.  First off, don't forget the Ghost, Goblins and Spook pictures this weekend!  A few time slots are still available on Friday.  Be sure to call and schedule a time if you want to come on Friday.  Saturday is come and go from 4:00-7:00.  I finally was able to get a picture of the setup.

Also .  . . Mark your calendars for November 23rd. . . a Ladies Night Out is being planned at the studio!  I have invited several others to join me and you will be able to do some holiday shopping or make your "holiday wishlist" to make someone else's holiday shopping a piece of cake!  Plan to join us for refreshments and LOTS of fun. . . a complete list of participants will be available soon!