Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Random . . .

Oh Happy Day!  Yesterday that Pesky Groundhog cooperated with us and alas Spring is on it's way. . . EARLY!  In fact with today's heatwave already in progress and mother nature giving the wind a rest, we are supposed to hit a whopping 27 degrees today!

I reported last week that I have a bathroom sink again . . . WELL . .. now I have a toilet too!  I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with this bathroom project.  Maybe there is a reason it took two years to start it.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. . . Be sure to remember that special someone in your life . . . it might not be a very pleasant day if you don't!  

Maybe just maybe I will get my Christmas tree down this weekend. . . It was suggested to just put hearts on it and call it a Valentine Tree. . . But in order to do that I'd have to "undecorate" it first. . . if I do that it's done!  :-)

And Lastly . . . Did you know that over 90% of all images taken on today’s digital cameras are NEVER PRINTED?  I'm assuming this is referencing the consumer side of the photography industry. . . wouldn't it be sad to think of all those professional images just sitting on a disk somewhere and never being printed for people to view in your home . . .

Have a great day everyone . . . Stay Warm.  . and remember SPRING IS COMING!!! :-)