Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Still hunting. . .

Prairie Images is still brainstorming . . . Here is my updated list!  If you have anything from it or know of someone that does, let me know!  prairieimages@gmail.com 

Papasan Chair preferably w/solid neutral cushion
Old (school) Volleyball Net
Old School Lockers(in good shape)
Coca Cola or other soda crates
Tall Wooden Double Doors (white preferred. . . peeling paint is GREAT)
Bi-fold/Tri-fold Louvered Doors
House Shutters(need taller ones most)
Old Wood Doors(unfinished is fine)
Old velvety wingback chair (blues, purples or maybe red)
Leather Wingback Chair(brown tones)
Old Wash Basin w/ Pitcher(fairly large bowl needed)
Unique Chairs(Wood, odd shaped, Classic, etc)
Fake green plants and Ivy(need lots)
Fake Trees
Door Beads
An old Rusty 50's style pickup! preferably green/brown tones(I know I'm dreaming)
Old Wood(tongue and groove type barnwood is preferred)

Out of State license plates--any year is fine!
Old road signs
Live Plants(grasses/flowers) if you are thinning yours!
Bamboo Pieces(real or fake)
Rock from ponds/garden areas(all kinds)
Old steps still intact(wood or metal is great)
Faux Tin Tiles(decorator kind)

Old vinyl bench seat from old truck/pickup
Old gas pump(the more rustic the better)
Beach Things(surf board/skiis/nets)
Wood Snow Fence
Metal Ornate Arbor walk through or with gate(no bench)
Black Metal Fencing(ornate is great)
Chain Link Fence Panels or Gates
Mosquito Netting
Faux Fur Rugs(fairly large)
Wood Laminate Flooring(Left overs from projects is perfect)