Garage Sale season is getting closer. . . in fact the semi-annual Meade City Trash adn Treasure Days will be held on May 2nd. I know many of you are always cleaning out closet, drawers, etc getting ready for it . . . sooooo . . . I thought I'd throw out some items I'm looking for to see if there's anything waiting for a new home . . . If you have any of these things and would be interested in selling them, please give me a holler:
Little Girls/Boys Overalls: Need all sizes up to 3T and prefer the plain ones(no cartoon, pictures).
White Dresses that aren't real frilly(very simple cotton ones) . . . all sizes up to 2T
Nice dresses and nice dress clothes for boys/girls. Preferably not christmasy looking.
Pastel Colored Wood Alphabet Blocks. . .
Brown Old Raggedy Teddy Bears. . .
Costumes(need some specific . . . let me know what you have)
Old Wood that looks old and rustic like barnwood. . .
Rusty Old Tin Sheets(from old buildings)
An old Rusty 50's style pickup!(I know I'm dreaming)
Okay that's all I can think of for right now . . . call me if you have questions or things to get rid of .. . 873-5258.