Sunday, December 27, 2009

January Happenings. . .

Well another Christmas is behind all of us . . . and we all survived!  Now it's time to gear up for a new and busy 2010.  I say busy because things just never seem to slow down!  With all of the school activities, business ventures and just life in general I think we all probably meet ourselves coming and going!

January will be a busy month for Prairie Images Photography! 

First, if you know of any expectant mother's due soon, be sure to have them let me know by January 5th if their baby is born on New Year's Day!  A special gift is available for ANY baby born on January 1st, 2010.

Blog Trivia returns to the blog on January 3rd.  So be sure to check back right here every Sunday for the new trivia question.  One winner from a drawing of the correct answers will be awarded each week!

Prairie Images Photography is excited to launch"Party Sessions".  I have been working out the details on this for awhile now and just about have everything put together. If you have a birthday girl coming up, give me a call.  These will not be limited to birthdays, but would be a PERFECT fun gift for those pre-Teen and Teenagers.  More details will be coming SOON so be watching the Fan Page.  Speaking of the Fan Page!  We are continuing to grow and don't forget about the special offer if we meet a minimum of 150 Fans by December 31st.  The prize grows larger the more Fans we have!  So if you aren't a member do so by clicking now! Become a Fan!

Double Referral Month is good for the month of January!  Any referrals made by you to the studio in January will earn Double Referral dollars.  So be sure to give them the referral cards that you have or have them drop your name to me when they book their sessions.

January is SuperBowl month so watch for a fun contest just for this!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner so if you missed Christmas Portraits, call today and schedule a Valentine Session. 

And last but not least, (see I told you January was busy), don't forget about the Cutest Baby Contest at Alco.  See the past blog post for details on this or give me a call and I'd be happy to give you the details!

I am also in the process of rebuilding an email mailing list!  Many of you are already on it but I will be sending out a request for this soon!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a session, call 873-5258.