Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tidings of Comfort and Joy . . .

Reflecting back on 2009 once again I have so many things to be thankful for! My clients and faithful blog readers are on the top of the list! It is great to live in a community with so many supportive friends and clients.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of you for trusting me to capture your family milestones and memories. I wish all of you a Beautiful Holiday Season and New Year of Peace and Happiness!

Be sure to continue reading the blog updates!  New things are always happening at Prairie Images Photography and 2010 will be no exception.  Some of the "old" fun will also be returning so stay tuned for all of the happenings that will be taking place.  If you haven't joined us on Facebook as a Fan yet, be sure to do that as well. There is a link to the right that will take you right there.  Special offers and promotions will be posted there and Fans will be the first to know.  A special Fan Promotion is also being planned for the new year! And lastly, if you are still shopping for that special gift you now have 15 days remaining. 

Prairie Images Photography will begin the holiday season on Saturday, December 19th through Sunday, December 27th.  Any orders that need to be placed will need to be to me by Thursday, December 17th but will not be available for pick up until December 28th when regular phone and studio appointments return.

Merry Christmas!