Thursday, April 12, 2007

What does Investment mean to you?

What do you think of when you hear the word investment? I think the first thing that comes to my mind is money, and I'm sure that is how many others think as well. But then there are some that may think of it in terms of time spent doing something. However, in the end even that boils down to the "time is money" adage of things.

I decided to actually look up the definition of Investment just to see what it said. provided me with quite a "list" of things that define investment. For reference, I have listed them for you below. Take a look and see if you agree . ..
1.the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
2.a particular instance or mode of investing.
3.a thing invested in, as a business, a quantity of shares of stock, etc.
4.something that is invested; sum invested.
5.the act or fact of investing or state of being invested, as with a garment.
6.a devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, etc., as for a purpose or to achieve something: His investment in the project included more time than he cared to remember.
7.Biology. any covering, coating, outer layer, or integument, as of an animal or vegetable.
8.the act of investing with a quality, attribute, etc.
9.investiture with an office, dignity, or right.
10.a siege or blockade; the surrounding of a place with military forces or works, as in besieging.

As you can see both of the definitions I mentioned to begin this blog are also on this list. So now that you know the official definitions does it change your thoughts on what it means to you. It really didn't for me but it made me really stop and evaluate what I personally invest in. I definitely invest money. . I mean all those props, backdrops, studio samples cost me money right . . . and in purchasing those I'm investing something I've earned back into my business . . . but I wouldn't say that my money investments have anything to do with the terms shares and/or stock. But as I truly evaluted my life as a photographer and business woman, I think where my biggest investment definition fits is in #6--giving of time, talent and emotional energy for a purpose or to achieve something.

To me my job as a photographer is to provide you an investment that you will always be proud to own. In doing this I invest my time, talent and emotional energy to do so. Of course I'm not complaining ... this is my job after all . . . and in the end I achieve not only a "paycheck" but my biggest reward of seeing my clients face light up when seeing their images or hearing them tell me they LOVE them. It's one thing to see them online in proofing mode. . . but to actually see, feel, and touch that image is another . . . it's almost like they just want to talk to you right off of the photo paper you are holding.

I am very fortunate that my job can also be called my hobby and I can have the best of both worlds by making money doing what I love. But I often wonder what goes through people's minds when they think about my "job". Do they think of it as a way that I provide for my family or do they think of it as my way of providing them an investment that will become a heirloom to their future generations. Exactly how do you put a value on this investment. Sure we can say well it cost me this much for these portraits of my child and in turn call that a monetary investment . . . but then the other side of the fence would argue that they could go to Sears and get the same thing for much less. . . a valid point. . . So as a photographer I ask myself again . . . what do clients think about when they book a photo session. Do they think only about the money that they will spend to get beautiful portraits of their child. . . or do they think about how they will always have these portraits that they have invested in to pass down from one generation to the next. This brings me back to the "time is money" theory. As a photographer when I work for you, I strive to provide you an investment that you are proud to display in your home. My investment to my clients not only consists of that actual portrait that you get to take home, but it also means that I invest my absolute best in doing it. I want to invest in you, my client, the time, talent and emotional energy that makes you feel like you have gotten more than what you can get anywhere else, but most importantly I want you to feel like your investment is worth every penny to you now and your future generations.

Have you invested in portraiture lately? If not, give me a call and see how I can help! You won't be disappointed. My investment to you will be your investment to your heritage!