Saturday, April 28, 2007

Garage Sale Season . . .

There's nothing better than a good garage sale .. . well maybe there are better things . . .but it is such an exhilaration to find that "perfect" thing for a fraction of new price. . . There's only ONE problem .. .getting those one of a kind bargains requires getting up at the crack of dawn to get there .. . well . .. anyone that knows me . .. . also knows that I am NOT a morning person . . . but there are times when the curiosity gets the best of me and I muster up the energy to get up and around and make the trip .. .

Today had a bit more motivation for me though because not only was there ONE sale . .. it was the TOWN wide sale day . .. I kind of just split the difference and instead of getting up with the chickens decided to just see what time I naturally woke up without the blaring of an alarm clock .. . well that happened to be about 7:30 .. . sooo that wasn't too bad really . .. I got to town about 8:15 and hit the one I wanted to go to first. . . it had been advertised in the paper so I knew about it before getting the map.

It was a good day .. . I got several things that I can't say I just "needed" but things that I had a "vision" for and for a GREAT price too. Didn't really find much else throughout the morning so I guess it paid off to get up early! Now we'll see what next week brings. . .