Sunday, April 22, 2007

Technology. . .

Have you ever asked yourself what we did before their were cell phones, computers and email! I'm not really a real "techie" person and don't really care for all the high tech, fancy and sophisticated things .. .just give me functionable. . . However. . . I have gotten sooooo totally dependent on the internet and email that when it isn't working I am a delirious woman . .. and that really isn't a good thing! So. .. what do you do when thing break .. . I am pretty computer savvy. . . but sometimes I know just enough to be dangerous. So today . . I do my normal morning routine. ..get up . .. turn on the computer. .. and go to check my email, read my normal daily news. . . and wait .. . and wait . . . and wait. . . nothing would load. . . so I called Tech Support. .. they told me we had downloaded too much stuff according to their "Fair Use Policy" .. . i'm like what the heck.. sure I had actually heard of this "policy" but did I read all the fine print . . . forget it . .. . soooo anyway . . . they changed their policies to reset this every 24 hours instead of every 4 hours . .. so basically this silly internal computer of theirs monitors everyone's usage and if we go over our allowed amount they boot us back to dialup speed.. . now isn't THAT nice.. . needless to say I was NOT a happy camper. . . but I"m stuck . . . this is the only option I have because of where we live. .. . .. soooo now back to the original question? What exactly did we do without all of our latest technology??