Sunday, April 1, 2007

Going Once, Going Twice. . .

Okay . . . anyone else out there an auction nut . . . I seriously think it could be an addiction . . . However, there are two problems with this addiction which might also serve as a "cure" . . . 1) 90% of them are what I would consider a "drive" just to get there and 2) they typically start of an early morning . . . neither of which I do well. However, yesterday I decided I would bite the bullet and make the trip .. . early morning or not. I had checked out this Auction on the Auctioneer's website. That is nice to be able to do that . .. of course they also hang their sale bills all over town advertising the "must haves". So it's Saturday morning . . I got up early and we headed out. I say "we" because my husband and son tagged along. . . two reasons . . . this particular auction advertised a gun collection and my husband who does more of the "farm sale" scene had purchased an item a few days earlier that needed to be brought home . . . so why not kill two birds with one stone RIGHT!!

So we get to this auction . . . I immediately head out on my quest to find the "must haves" that were listed on the sale bill and the "boys" headed to the guns. This auction had quite the assortment of "collectables". We got there about 10 minutes before start time so there was quite a few people getting their last glimpses in before going to sit down. Things get going . .. and they are bringing things up to show us ONE SMALL item at a time. .. . this is just the way this particular company does things . . . but oh well . . . it seems like it's taking an eternity for any of my "must haves" to be brought up . .. but finally things start rolling . . . well I have discovered one thing in my years of auction attendance. . . I must have REALLY good taste. . . because inevitably the things that are on my list of "must haves" must be on everyone elses list as well . . . ARGH!!! At some point in the first 20 minutes the auctioneer mentioned that the guns would sell at Noon . .. I don't think that was quite what my 13 year old wanted to hear. .. He was kind of thinking let's get this show on the road and I can get outta here. . . So Noon came for them . . . and I have to say they had a bit more success than I did for their "quest" and they got one of the "must haves" on THEIR list bought . .. and for a reasonable price as well. Hey what's better than that! So although I would consider this auction day a bust for me . . . I guess I just have to realize that you never know until you go what you might find or be able to buy . . .

The auction season is getting into full swing . . . Can't say that I will find the urge to make the trip to many more but I did pick up another sale bill listing the next person's list of "must haves" on it . .. Maybe that day will be more successful!