Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What to Blog . . .

When I started this blog I thought to myself how easy it would be to find things to write about . .. I mean after all I like to talk and have been known to do it alot . .. but then after I got it all up and going I found myself thinking . . hmm . .. what should I write ... so as you can tell I haven't been very good to post many things on it . .. well I'm striving to change that . .. so if nothing else you might just find mindless ramblings. I mean I could sit here and type about how the allergy season has arrived and how the box of kleenex on my desk is disappearing rapidly as I sneeze time after time after time . .. or I could write about how fall weather is approaching and we are starting to notice cooler mornings, shorter days as well as floating pollen . . . which by the way contribues to that disappearing kleenex problem I'm having . . . so you see I could find numerous ways to contribute to this blog without trying extremely hard. .. but how necessary is some of that talk. .. sooooo . . . As I've read through other blogs . . . other photographers in general . .. I've noticed that they put a nice touch to it by including some of their favorite images from various sessions . .. so I thought . . . why not!

So to kick off my new blog resolution I'll share a few images with you of my latest Senior session! Sherrese is in Volleyball so we had to schedule this holiday session in order to get things done while things were still green(well mostly green anyway) . . . Sherrese was a trooper even when I asked her if we could "walk" to that little house out on the prairie since there was a new big gate across the area we needed to drive through . . . not to mention the tall sunflowers and things . .. lucky for us all we got there and back without even seeing a snake . .. Thanks Sherrese for a great session! Enjoy the peek!