Regardless of what the calendar says. . . Summer does not begin on June 21st. Nope when that magical day in May arrives and the kids hit the school doors for the last time . . . Summer is OFFICIALLY HERE! I think for every kid in school and even most parents that once that day in May arrives hugh sighs of relief wash across all of us. I can remember as a kid hitting that door on the last day being overly excited and getting butterflies in my stomach wondering if it would be warm enough to hit the pool when it opened for the season . . . As a parent I can't help but also breathe a sigh of relief when my kids hit that door for the last time and thinking . . . we survived another year. . .
But the only difference now is that Summer really isn't a break anymore . . . it seems like Summer is just as busy but just without the school work . . . We had summer baseball and things like that but I just don't really remember it having the intensity that it does now. . . Summer wasn't work it was fun. . . it was a break. . . now there's summer basketball, team camps, summer weight lifting, and of course summer jobs for many. . . I could go on and on . . .
But regardless of the different kind of "busy" summer brings us, I think we all await that magical day in May and welcome it warmly only to begin the countdown and groans of only 3 months until School Starts . . .
Happy Summer everyone!