Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Coffee Shop Talk . ..
Coming from a small town it has often been noted that the rumor mill runs rampant ... or you might here someone say "The talk at the coffee shop is. . . " or many other various things that implicate small town folks like to talk. .. sometimes it's about the latest farm sale coming up, the new family in town or even the latest death in the community. But I'm sure the biggest topic at "The Coffee Shop" in our community as well as others across our entire nation is the tragedy and devastation that has hit our neighboring community of Greensburg! While many might refer to our town gossip as something wrong . . . in times of tragedy like this I think it just proves to people why small towns are a blessing. When tragedy strikes how many people do you see come together to take care of each other. I'm sure the same gestures of help are seen in the cities too but I will argue with anyone that there's nothing like small town living. But talking although referred to as "gossip" by many can be a very valuable thing . . . it allows people to communicate what they are feeling and it allows us to show our support to those that are in need, and it can be very valuable in the healing process. And right now the people in Greensburg are probably doing alot of that right now. The events of that evening will be fresh on everyone's minds for many weeks, months and even years to come. Some will be sharing this story with their grandkids some day .. . while others may share it with the new people that move to the community that will be rebuilt. And judging from the newspaper interviews I've read the people are very determined to have Greensburg, KS put back on the map which shows you that the Spirit of the Midwest lives through these small communities that like to talk! As a fellow small community, I think most of us realize that this very same thing could have just as easily been Meade, KS. And I have every confidence that if it were that way the people in Greensburg would be offering the same prayers to us that I know many of us are offering to them! As the people in Greensburg begin to rebuild and reshape their lives and their community, let us all think about fortunate we are to still have the things that they don't! In "normal" circumstances when a tornado strikes a few houses or business might be affected.. . but that is not the case here. These people have very little if anything. They've lost their homes, belongings, vehicles, and places of employment. They have no bank, they cannot get their mail, they don't have any of their medications and not even the local hospital or doctors office to go to in order to retrieve the information. So the next time you go down "Main Street" just take a look around and notice what we would be missing if the same tragedy struck Meade, KS. Isn't it nice to be able to just go "downtown" to the grocery store, the pharmacy, the post office, among many other things. So as we all gather for the next day of "The Coffee Shop Talk" ... perhaps the topic should be . . . what does Meade offer to us today that could be gone tomorrow!