Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tragedy . . .

When severe weather threatens I think everyone always wonders "what if" . .. but after last Friday there are no "What Ifs" for Greensburg. .. it's more like What Now? The events of that night will be fresh on everyone's mind for a long time. I honestly cannot imagine what these poor people are going through .. . to see the pictures we get an idea but honestly I think seeing the effects will absolutely suck the wind out of me just like that tornado sucked the life from that town. Tragedies like this tend to bring communities together but how do they do that when there's nothing left to do it with. So many times we hear the term that "it was leveled" ... but you just always hope and pray that it never happens. My thoughts go out to everyone there . . . the recovery process will begin soon . . . but the unknown I'm sure has many absolutely scared beyond our imaginations. I mean how do you rebuild from scratch. Small town are known for rallying together and knowing the people that I do in this small town I know they won't give up with out a good fight. To all of those out there that were affected by this horrible tragedy . .. just know that people from everywhere are here to help and are wishing you only the best as you being the recovery process!