Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Congratulations Graduates!

The time has come and Graduation is near.. . the Class of 2007 will soon just be another "panel of pictures" hanging on the wall . . . and by now I'm sure Senioritis is at it's highest peak . . . In actuality though . .. Graduation is a bit bittersweet. .. I mean all the graduates can think about is moving on to bigger and better things leaving high school and all the drama that goes along with it behind . .. But for parents it means that their children will be "on their own" making their own decisions about studying, curfew, etc. Graduation Day brings alot of laughter and alot of tears as we see 18 years of life spreading their wings to fly off to the next phase of life. But it also means leaving that security zone of "home" and all the friends that have made growing up what it is. Most seniors will have 3 months to be in their "Graduation Bliss" before saying their goodbyes to their friends and families, but some will "fly the coop" at the absolute first opportunity never looking back.

So to all the graduates, whether you are heading to college or into the workforce, I wish you the best of luck as you progress forward to this next phase of your life. Always remember the people that helped make this dream for you possible and be sure to thank them when you have the opportunity.

Here's to the Class of 2007 and a very special congratulations to the Seniors that helped Prairie Images Photography spread her wings and move to a new level: Brady, Brianna, Carlin, Cecelie, Cody, Eric, Garrett, Jake, Jeremy, Joel, Kenneth, Kristina, Leigh Ann, Logan, Oil(Oy), Rani, Sandi, Shauncey, Shayla, Spencer and Tatiana. Iwish all of you the best life has to offer! Reach high and dream big!